One special picture .. it is of a young girl that probably thought we had forgotten about her... but We had not forgotten.. I just lost her photo..hahaha

This young lady came to us in the spring with her mother asking for help... When I asked what they needed, the mother told us that she needed an arm.. It was missing just past her elbow. We had not even noticed.. she was so confident.. in fact it seemed to be more of a concern for her mother then it was for her.. she wanted a computer for school... But the arm won out ...
I made some calls and thought we were on our way... just needed to raise a little money and she would have an arm... During the summer, we got an email from some kids that saved their vacation money and rather then buying some things that they felt they didn't really need, they wanted to get her an new arm. Well getting anything done in KG in the summer is almost impossible because of all the holidays... well now that I think about it, getting anything done in KG at any time is a challenge... .. But finally everything came together and Larissa followed all the leads, and what do you know ... not sure if it was as a favor or what, but the arm was free.... Sooo exciting ...
I will have some pictures in a few days.. but then we were left with the decision of what to do with the donation. I contacted the sponsor and spoke with them .. It was a no brainer.. and Our young friend will be getting her new laptop for school that SHE wanted ...
I am reminded that God not only provides for our needs, but He DELIGHTS in giving us the desires of our hearts... It is just so cool to be a part of something like this.. so for a young girl that a few weeks ago was feeling that we may have forgotten about her... she is sure going to get a thrill.
I am just thinking back to that day and chuckling . We had a new translator that day, and it was a particularly buisy day . We seemed to be in about 10 different directions at the same time.. ( possibly why I can't find the photo ) when things slowed down a little , I got a chance to sort of debrief the translator to make sure she was OK and following ... she said ... "I just have one question... How is it that you know a number of where to get a fake arm ?" It just struck me as funny ...
what an awesome story....yes, He delights to be kind to us...that is the ultimate awesomeness (I don't think that's a real word, but it should be!)
Hmmm John, I am afraid to ask how you have phone numbers to get half the things you so easily find over there! Hahaha! You are well connected, but that connection is verticle, not horizontal as many would think :-)
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