Kola is the type of young man that just makes me feel good about doing what we do. He would be the first to agree that he has had a very difficult start to his life. I will not get into all the details, that is his story to tell... but I will say that he has put his foot down and taken a stand. He has taken the trials and temptations that he has faced, and is using them to brighten and encourage others. Kola is very quiet, so he thinks that maybe he slips under the radar, but in reality he has the ability to show great leadership.. mostly because when he speaks, it must be important.
Most of all I know that there must be something special about him because although he stays quiet and un assuming, those that meet him remember him.. My Mom visited us in 2008, and still talks about the fine young man in the workshop she facilitated were Kola works as an addictions councelor ... I have had adoptive parents meet him, and then feel such a bond, that they were ready to except a referral because there new son had the same name. My Son came to visit, and was only with us a week, was sick, and saw thousands of people, but wanted to take the time to exchange guitar rifts with him. Then this spring we had friends come for a visit, and before they left, they came to us and said that they wanted to buy a guitar for him... .. I am telling you, there is something special about him.
It took Kola 4 months to choose just the right guitar. This was a big deal for him, and he did not want to make a wrong choice. Of course, I did drop some nudges from time to time, but did not want to push to hard and turn the process into something he dreaded.. after all I am used to that , I know it would take Emma the same length of time to buy a pair of pants...
Here is Kola with his new guitar. I can't wait to hear you play it my friend.

" Words can not express some things .... I just play, very love to play!! It makes me better, Music for me is prayer without words, it expresses my feelings better than everything else, Music is part of my soul, Thank You, Lord, for You, and for music you created!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" taken from Kola's FB status last week
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