I was thinking about adding something to the post about what I don't understand, and now with some of the comments I am egged on...Thank you Cindy ....
When I hear of a man stealing a TV set to sell for food while escaping from slavery in Kazakhstan.. I can have compassion .... when I hold a little boy that was sold in the market by his mother for 79 cents... I even find a way to think... how desperate she must have been... So when The money is stolen in the market I have to show the same grace and understanding... I have had some say " I hope it brings him nothing good" but I must say that that was not the intention for that money... It was given from generous hearts and meant to be a blessing... I pray that it will be a blessing to the person that has it, and I pray that through that money they will come to an understanding of the spirit that it was given.... It is easy as a Christian to hold people up to the standards shown by Christ yet we falter on that account daily. ... When someone is in the world... we must expect them to act accordingly... I will hold the faith that one day they will understand... until then... please pray that God would show His mercy. Now that said....
do you remember this little guy.....I had photos of him on the blog a few months ago when he was just born
well today we bought him for Aigulia's family... along with this cool little cart....
He will not be old enough to pull until spring, who knows maybe they will get two donkeys after all....
we are still here for another week.....

What a perfect addition to "Buying the Farm" I can not remember a time where I've seen so much change so quickly in a family, to see the smile on Turat's face when the Cow and Calf arrived and see a 14 year old boy turn into a 24 year old man was truly a God momment.
Keep the flmae burning we will do all we can to keep you fueled,
Dan :)
oh, i just saw that you wrote more on this. like you said, the money was meant to be a blessing. i do believe the money was blessed and have faith that it is bringing needed change to someone's life. i can't help but think that God would a
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