Three years ago I met a young girl. Some of you will remember her story. On her 12th birthday her father decided that she was now old enough to be his wife, and tied her and her 4 siblings to a tree in the back yard and attempted to kill their mother while they watched..... unsuccessfully... As you can imagine. Her birthday has not been a time of celebration for her. On our last visit with the team from Norwood, she came to me as we were leaving.. She asked for prayer because of the dreams she had been having.... with out going into too much detail, we stayed... and we were able to work through a lot of issues that day. She then gave me a read something like this. "I have had a difficult time with Birthdays. I have not liked to celebrate them.. It hurts to think about them... I would like to think of you as what a father is to me...... I am now ready to start celebrating my birthday again. Would you please come for my birthday?" Well when her birthday came, there was just no way I could swing it, so I gave money for Sam and Dave to go for me and have a big party..... On her birthday she was sick and the party never happened...
Well Today she turned 16, and together WE CELEBRATED HER BIRTHDAY//// and what a day it was ... Bekah had the whole thing planned out... First we went first we gave them Graval.... then we went bowling... They had a blast.Even Issar got in on the fun... I don't know how often this family gets out together,... if ever, but they sure had fun tonight. Then it was out for supper....Shashleek...Lugman...Montey...paninie...
you name it we had it... Then to top off the night, we had the waitress turn out the lights and bring out a cake with candles and we all sang Happy Birthday... This is not a custom they have here, in fact the restaurant has never done this before.
Then, if that was not enough, Bekah had prepared presents for all the kids. She made a card full of photos of this beautiful family from over the years.
Iagula (mom ) sat at the end of the table and grinned the whole night... She was so blessed and thanked Bekah for her work.
...we talked with the kids about their new house and what they would like to do when they start living there..." we would like a cow, a donkey and a cart, sheep, chickens ducks a rabbit... white... but not to eat!!! and a turkey......Well this is the family that we have been getting sponsors for farm animals.... We are just dying to tell them how fantastic people have been... I think we will do that in a couple weeks when Sam (PI) gets here They are going to have one incredible little farm..... wait till you see that video...I can just hear Sam "It's going to be a freak show.... Go a head and sing Old McDonald now E-I-E-Oh Baby"
So Now you know the rest of the story.
Would you please with Aypery a Happy Sweet 16 from her friends in NE?
Listen man!
It is going to be a celebration like no other.
I cannot wait.
I am pumped!
It is time for every North American to take the plunge!
Get ready!
Johnny...we are going to party 24/7 when we get there baby!
Thank you Bekha and Emma for arranging all this! I haven't cried over anything yet until now. Give her and her family a special hug from our family please.
This stuff is hard. It is like Lara. I would just like to hold them and tell them how sorry I am that this happened and how beautiful the future will be with Jesus there. Thanks you guys for doing it for us.
Love and prayers,
the Bencic's
Happy 16th Birthday, Aypery. Know that here in Joelton, TN (America), we are happy for you and thankful that John is there with you and that you were able to have a wonderful birthday party. Our daughter, Ellie, is from Kyrgyzstan as well and in a week she will celebrate her 1st birthday! I hope she has as much fun at her party as you seemed to have had at your party. God bless, sweetie!!
Happy Sweet 16th Miss Aypery! You're in on thoughts and prayers over here in Germany on your special day!
Happy 16th Birthday,we are so happy John and his family are there to celebrate it with you, please know you are in our prayers,
Love the Vigale family from Darien CT
Happy 16th birthday from Marianne and Thomas in France. We will be thinking about you on this special new good day!
Have a wonderful day. Happy Birthday sweet 16.
Dear Aipery:
Happy, Happy 16th Birthday!!!
Anne, Marc and Ava Rose
Royal Oak, Michigan USA
Happy 16th Birthday Sweetheart!
Love, Your friends in St. Louis, Missouri, USA!
Happy Sweet 16th birthday Aypery We wish you a wonderful celebration !!
Corinne and family from California U.S.A.
Happy Birthday from Connecticut!!
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Happy birthday Aipery. I wish I was there to make you some earrings and necklaces for your birthday.
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday Aipery- from San Diego, California!
Sending you a hug- from Val and David
I wish you a very Happy Birthday Aipery! And happy Nooruz!
Lots of hugs from Stockholm, Sweden
You are sooo very special to this world Aipery, so celebrate your birthday and life! The world is a better place with people like you in it! Celebrate and be happy!
God Bless you today and everyday!!!
Much love,
Marleen and Peter Nigro
New Jersey USA
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