One of the women we had at the Womans Day party with us yesterday was Laurisa ,she is the lady that brought us to meet Nickolai. She shared with us that after our visit with him last week, he was just so overwelmed.... He had thought that God had forgotten him, but God brought people from the other side of the world to stop in and tell him that he was not forgotten and that he was loved... This gave him a fresh revelation of God's love, and he went to the church in Iscra last week and shared.... The church there reached out to him.. The men took him to get washed up and buy him new clothes, and a hair cut. While they were doing this, the ladies in the church went out to his house and cleaned. It is such a blessing to us to see our brothers and sisters here pitch in to help him out.... We give many times out of our abundance, But for them... they are giving out of FAITH.
We have gone ahead and told them to get him into the hospital for his feet, and to get his paperwork in order so he can move into a seniors home. The cost for this as I mentioned before will be $300, but once he is registered, he will not have to pay to stay. He is now on the waiting list for the hospital... maybe Meesha will be out soon and Nickolai can have his bed.....
Answer to that kitchen prayer - 'that not only would they would know God sent you but that God sent you for them!'
amazing how God works eh?..even when people forget, God doesn't!!..bless Him.
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