Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Needs met

Yesterday I shared a bunch of new needs.  I am so thrilled to say that we have great head way with this .  The heating boiler  for the boys house is covered and the gifts for th disabled kids for disabled kids day at Veras school are also covered. 

What is still left is about $250 for food supplies for the Afghanistan refugies, and the next round of tuitions...a little over $3000.  
It's easy to get overwhelmed and think that $3000 is out of reach .. but when we all take a small piece of that it is totally doable.. I think of the back to school bags we just packed. .. that was 700 bags = $7000 in just two weeks .

Packing school bags

700 bags packed and ready to go. 

This week we will start working on the Christmas wish book .  I would like to have that up and running before we begin our trip through parts of the USA so we can print out and leave some copies along the way. 


Monday, October 14, 2024

A few needs

 This morning I woke up to several new needs.. some are more urgent then others .. the first was from Aiperi in Pakistan .. she has been helping the Afghanistan refugies and it has been a little while since we have been able to send her funds, and today a group of women walked to find her and ask for food.

Just some of those asking  for help. 

Another need is that I was reminded that at the end of the month the second installment of tuitions is due... I can never quit figure that one out .. the first half of the year is due Sept 1 but the second half of the year is due two months later ... But that's what it is and I need to find about $3000 to continue these needs.   

Another request we got is for Vera .. she works at a school that has about 25 disabled kids and Dec 1 is disabled kids day and she would like to have a party and a gift for each of them.  Maybe about $15 each would be great.  

To add to our list, we need to replace the boiler and some electrical work at the boys house before winter so we will need about $1000 for that.   

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Martha got a new home.

   Up in the mountains behind the ranch that Misha works at there is a young family that he has been helping. 

They will wanted to get them a cow , but we're having a hard time finding a good cow for a good price 

Dawson  from the last team did not know about this but did know that she felt that she was to buy a cow for someone , but not the farm because we would eat it 😔.  Well as it turns out the gentleman that helps us find families in need for the coal was wanting to sell his cow.  With his health issues he could no longer care for the co and also needed the money so this day as a win, win, win situation . 

All along Dawson was trying to come up with a name .. she wanted something biblical so had a few in mind .. but when we asked if the cow has a name , they told us it's name was Martha.

 So thanks to a string of connections , Martha has a great new home .

The morning after we landed back in Canada we were wide awake at 3:00 am , so by 4:30;I was out in our orchard picking som apples to bring with us to NL.  Very nice , but not as nice as the apple that Vika picked back in Kyrgyzstan. 

the boys are hard at it with the coal deliveries . Hopping to get as many deliveries as possible before winter hits any day now.

As I shared earlier, we are preparing for a trip through the eastern US.

Here is our route with some dates attached . If you are along this route we would love to catch up, even if its just for a quick coffee, reach out to us and we will see how we can fit you in . We love and appreciate the encouragement from all of you. 

   Oct 19 & 20 Scipio Centre NY

Oct 21 Columbas OH

Oct 22 , 23 & 24 Cincinnati OH

Oct 25 Nashville TN

Oct 26 to 30 Santa Rosa Beach FL

Oct 31 Freeport FL

Nov 1 Columbas GA

Nov 2 & 3 Westminster SC

Nov 4 Maple Hill NC

Nov 5&6 Ashland VA

Nov 8 Scranton PA

Nov 9 & 10 Pine Grove ON

Nov. 16 Brantford ON 

Nov 17 Petrolia ON 

Nov 18 Home 

Hope to see you along the way !


Saturday, October 12, 2024

Coal deliveries

The last month we , as in , the boys have been busy bagging coal .  We have about 1/2 the coal in so far, so praying for the funds.

I was sharing the with the team how emotionally taxing it can be delivering coal .. you would think it would be fun and fulfilling to be able to bring resources.. but really it is difficult.

I shared how we were delivering 16 tons last fall and by the time we got about 12 tons delivered we were emotional wrecks after hearing all the stories of hardship.

So this day we made it to the first house and we were greatest by a 12 year old boy at the gate .. we learned how both his parents had just died a couple months ago.  His Aunt has come to live with him and care for him, then she got very sick and is bed ridden. Now he has to look after her.  

 The coal we brought may have just saved them from the cold grip of the winter, but some how it did not seem like we had done enough.   We did send a food hamper back the next week, but still our hearts are breaking when we think about him.    That was the first stop.  I think we hade two more stops that day and we were done..

It was seniors day while we were there .  We sent a cake and some honey to a couple seniors that we had been helping .. I got this video from them to thank us.  ....

Can you say "Ewok"

As I shared earlier, we are preparing for a trip through the eastern US.

Here is our route with some dates attached . If you are along this route we would love to catch up, even if its just for a quick coffee, reach out to us and we will see how we can fit you in . We love and appreciate the encouragement from all of you. 

   Oct 19 & 20 Scipio Centre NY

Oct 21 Columbas OH

Oct 22 , 23 & 24 Cincinnati OH

Oct 25 Nashville TN

Oct 26 to 30 Santa Rosa Beach FL

Oct 31 Freeport FL

Nov 1 Columbas GA

Nov 2 & 3 Westminster SC

Nov 4 Maple Hill NC

Nov 5&6 Ashland VA

Nov 8 Scranton PA

Nov 9 & 10 Pine Grove ON

Nov. 16 Brantford ON 

Nov 17 Petrolia ON 

Nov 18 Home 

Hope to see you along the way !


Friday, October 11, 2024

Canning produce on the farm

We stood out at the ocean marveling at the power of the waves, and prayed for all those facing this power close up in Florida.  

A couple weeks ago with one of the teams we started putting the fence up at the playground.  

While the guys were digging post holes, the girls aided by John and Mirlan were canning food... This day it was Julie's mom's chilli sauce recipe.

We have a team preparing to come for two weeks next fall from Possibilities International.  They will each bring their favorite recipes and have a day where they can share them with the rest of us. 

Over three teams we made 75 lt of pickled beets, pickled peppers, zucchini relish, chili sauce, and 85 lt of raspberry jam and 65 loaves of zucchini Bread.

As I shared earlier, we are preparing for a trip through the eastern US.

Here is our route with some dates attached . If you are along this route we would love to catch up, even if its just for a quick coffee, reach out to us and we will see how we can fit you in . We love and appreciate the encouragement from all of you. 

   Oct 19 & 20 Scipio Centre NY

Oct 21 Columbas OH

Oct 22 , 23 & 24 Cincinnati OH

Oct 25 Nashville TN

Oct 26 to 30 Santa Rosa Beach FL

Oct 31 Freeport FL

Nov 1 Columbas GA

Nov 2 & 3 Westminster SC

Nov 4 Maple Hill NC

Nov 5&6 Ashland VA

Nov 8 Scranton PA

Nov 9 & 10 Pine Grove ON

Nov. 16 Brantford ON 

Nov 17 Petrolia ON 

Nov 18 Home 

Hope to see you along the way !


Thursday, October 10, 2024

English school to the Kashar

 Kids from the orphanages were just one group that came to the Kashar .  We also brought about 30 kids from an English school we work with .

A lot of them work on there English by watching American TV.  One thing they often see is roasting hot dogs on a stick .. so they were thrilled to have the chance . 

Not only did we have all the toppings but one of the teams hobbies is baking yeast products.. she out did herself when the night before she made us 5 dozen top sliced hot dog buns ... They were perfect. 

On our way back to Canada Julie and I had a 14 hour layover in Rome so we took in some sights by night.   The best time to visit Rome .. no crowds .    

Next up our US tour 

So here is our route with some dates attached . If you are along this route we would love to catch up, even if its just for a quick coffee, reach out to us and we will see how we can fit you in . We love and appreciate the encouragement from all of you. 

Oct 19 & 20 Scipio Centre NY

Oct 21 Columbas OH

Oct 22 , 23 & 24 Cincinnati OH

Oct 25 Nashville TN

Oct 26 to 30 Santa Rosa Beach FL

Oct 31 Freeport FL

Nov 1 Columbas GA

Nov 2 & 3 Westminster SC

Nov 4 Maple Hill NC

Nov 5&6 Ashland VA

Nov 8 Scranton PA

Nov 9 & 10 Pine Grove ON

Nov. 16 Brantford ON 

Nov 17 Petrolia ON 

Nov 18 Home 

Hope to see you along the way !

Orphanage kids fishing

Several times you will see us taking kids from the orphanage fishing and up to the Kashar .  There are a few reasons for this .  These are the kids that will be out on there own in a few years .. No family and no training to live on their own.  If we can build some connections with them now, when the time comes they will remember who we are and where we are , and then in many cases show up on our door when they need help.  

 Another great thing about the fishing is that along with being a lot of fun, we can get a good healthy meal into them .  

Julie and I have just finished a couple days out on the ocean now heading back to Bekah's  for Thanksgiving, then we will be back home for a few days before we head to the US to touch base with many friends .

So here is our route with some dates attached . If you are along this route we would love to catch up, even if its just for a quick coffee, reach out to us and we will see how we can fit you in . We love and appreciate the encouragement from all of you. 

   Oct 19 & 20 Scipio Centre NY

Oct 21 Columbas OH

Oct 22 , 23 & 24 Cincinnati OH

Oct 25 Nashville TN

Oct 26 to 30 Santa Rosa Beach FL

Oct 31 Freeport FL

Nov 1 Columbas GA

Nov 2 & 3 Westminster SC

Nov 4 Maple Hill NC

Nov 5&6 Ashland VA

Nov 8 Scranton PA

Nov 9 & 10 Pine Grove ON

Nov. 16 Brantford ON 

Nov 17 Petrolia ON 

Nov 18 Home 

Hope to see you along the way !


Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Six incredible weeks

There is just so much that happened over the last 6 weeks .. I got so far behind on the blog , not because I had nothing to share , but because I had too much to share and was too busy to get my head around it .  We had three incredible teams with us back to back that all came set and ready to make a powerful impact in everything they did. and wow did they succeed in that .   I will drop a one day in the life video now and then over the next week I will try to catch up before we continue our journey 

We are held up this week in Newfoundland, having a few days to catch up and get over the jet leg.  Also spend a bit of time with our family , then we will be heading on a tour through the USA to visit so many friends and sponsors of the ministry.   

So here is our rout with some dates attached .  If you are along this route we would love to catch up, even if its just for a quick coffee, reach out to us and we will see how we can fit you in .  We love and appreciate the encouragement from all of you. 

   Oct 19 & 20  Scipio Centre NY

Oct 21 Columbas OH

Oct 22 , 23 & 24 Cincinnati OH

Oct 25 Nashville TN

Oct 26 to 30 Santa Rosa Beach FL

Oct 31 Freeport FL

Nov 1 Columbas GA

Nov 2 & 3 Westminster SC

Nov 4 Maple Hill NC

Nov 5&6  Ashland VA

Nov 8 Scranton PA

Nov 9 & 10 Pine Grove ON

Nov. 16 Brantford ON 

Nov 17 Petrolia ON 

Nov 18 Home 

Hope to see you along the way !


Thursday, September 12, 2024

Catching up again

 We have been so busy that I realized that we have fallen behind again on the blog ... Here are a few pictures of delivering school supplies up into some mountain schools .

We took the kids from one of th orphanages bowling and out for supper .. they said that the bowling was really fun but the most fun they have had is being able to choose off the menu 

The boys have the last couple loads of coal bagged up .. we are ready for more .  Just $80 will provide coal for a family .. we have about 200 families that will still need coal after this 

Lats year we bought a microwave , this year Possibilities international sponsored a fridge , hot plate and kettle for a small remote school in the mountain.  They were so overwhelmed that the teacher and a couple of the kids even started to cry .