Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Things we do not understand !

"For now I see through a glass darkly, but face to face I will know as I am known!"
Some times things happen that it is hard to figure out a reason for, but at the time you have a peace that God knows and has permitted it ... Of course you know that there is a story out there somewhere when I start a post like this.
In a small village, there is a mother of five struggling back after an abusive and traumatic experience. I shared about them in the past and how some animals would not only give them a hope for the future, but they would also go a long way to restoring their dignity in the community. Well last week while the team was here, we brought them to the market to purchase those animals.. We received donations from all over North America to make this happen.... Knowing that the market could be a dangerous place, I split the $$$ up into different pockets, then kept moving the entire time in and around the animals while Acel helped with the negotiations. I walked with my hand in my pocket with the money tight in my hand . When the deal was made on the most beautiful cow and calf in the market that day, I moved in to pay the bill... at that exact split second my stocker moved in as well. As I was about to pull out the money, he struck. snatched the money from my hand then a triple hand off and it was gone... $1500 had just disappeared.
Instantly I realised that it was gone, and that it was an attack to once again destroy the hopes of this family... right away Aigulia said that really we did not need to buy her a cow and calf, and that we should just go home now.... I just smiled and said " You stay here and make sure no one else buys the cow. I will be back in 1/2 an hour
When I got back, I was flanked buy the boys from the team ready to drop anyone that came within 5 feet of me... We bought the cow and calf, Again Aigulia said that would be enough for the day and we could go home... Determined not to allow this to happen... we bought her two sheep, not one... Two turkeys not one.. two rabbits... 6 ducks... 24 teenage chickens and a hen with a dozen chicks..... two bags of grain... it was a good thing that they did not have any donkeys and carts there that day or I would have likely bought two of them rather then just one....
When everything was loaded up on the truck and the back of Vladys car we also told her we were coming back with her this week and were going to buy her $500 worth of furniture for the house as well......
Here we are 4 days later and Julie says " so where is the replacement money coming from... ?" ..... We are still not talking about it.!... but what I do know is that the impact this has a had on this beautiful family is one that will never be measured in terms of dollars.....This is one dream that the enemy is not going to destroy.


TheHappyNeills said...

grrrr, this is really irking! well, they will be held accountable for what they did and it's out of anyone's hands. your words on this incident are inspiring and full of truth! HE will prevail, and HE will provide!

Cindy LaJoy said...

Stepping out on faith, John! Glad you went ahead and didn't let anything deter you from the goal. Reading right now "If you want to walk on water, you've got to get out of the boat". Do some Water Walking, my friend!

Cindy LaJoy said...

And might I add that the person who ended up with the cash might have a need even more dire than our Family of Five. May that money be used for a Higher Purpose, regardless of how it was acquired!

Hilary Marquis said...

Satan may try...but the battle has already been won! (and he is not the winner) As Cindy said, I'm glad you took that step of faith. We will pray for you, the family of 5, and the people that took the money.

TheHappyNeills said...

I have been praying for the people who took the money--for His truth to penetrate their hearts, for the money to be used to even save lives...who knows. Although it is frustrating, I hope that the money will help people who are probably in desperate situations. Maybe someday you will even have the privilege of knowing where this money went. Praying it turns into a glorious story!