Two days ago I shared that I had a dream that we could bring an impact to the
people of Central Asia that could last an eternity.... This day, God proved that to be a possibility.... We were working today in the small village. .....Let me start this story back a month........ We visited the village with Sam, and had Keven sing for many of Laura's neighbours . We handed out some food packs there and then headed to the dump to bring lunch...As we were leaving , we were asked to come back that night for supper.... We had such a busy schedule that it was not possible, so I told them we would come back shortly..... Well this week was the down time in the fields when the workers would return to see their families.... The timing was perfect... We Gave $15o to Larisa, and asked her to prepare a party and invite the whole neighborhood.....
people of Central Asia that could last an eternity.... This day, God proved that to be a possibility.... We were working today in the small village. .....Let me start this story back a month........ We visited the village with Sam, and had Keven sing for many of Laura's neighbours . We handed out some food packs there and then headed to the dump to bring lunch...As we were leaving , we were asked to come back that night for supper.... We had such a busy schedule that it was not possible, so I told them we would come back shortly..... Well this week was the down time in the fields when the workers would return to see their families.... The timing was perfect... We Gave $15o to Larisa, and asked her to prepare a party and invite the whole neighborhood.....
We were greeted by the village elders, and presented with the traditional Kyrgies bread signifying that we were welcome to join them .
There were two more courses to follow.... Ploff and Bish-Bal-Mack....meaning Five Fingers... because you eat it with your five fingers...
Even the Samavar's were chugging at full steam !
They then had a special ceremony... when a small child first is starting to walk, they tie there legs together with yarn, then have all the little boys have a food race to see who can get to the child first... the first one ... the fastest... cuts the yarn freeing the child to run into their future...
We then had a reenactment of a bride being presented to the grooms family and the scarf being placed on the head of the bride signifying the acceptance into the family....Julie got to place the scarf.....
It was such a thrill to see the buzz of excitement and anticipation as the boxes were handed out.
When things died down, Many of the village leaders came to us..... They had heavy hearts...For 5 years now, this village has had no water, and they must walk 3 km to get there water. They have permission to get water from the home for invalid men 1 1/2 km away, but can not afford the cost to put in the pipes....You see it is going to cost $70 a home......totally out of their reach... that is $1500 for the whole job.... I shared with them how at our home we went only five months without water and finally out of desperation we called on God to heal our well and the next day, we had water..... They were at that point of desperation, and together we called on God to move the mountains and to bring his living water to this entire village.... ...I raced home, went strait to the computer and emailed the youth team from Canada... I told them of the situation here. Now as I said earlier, they are from a small church in a small village, that has already gone way beyond the call, but that did not stop them..... With in 3 minutes, the response came back......
Johnny my man,
For mountains to move, it takes men of faith to take the first step, thank you for taking those steps, now take a few more and let the Mayor know that the water is coming, we will figure out the money part from here. "Go tell it on the Mountain" Johnny. PTL
I'll talk to Jamie and present the opportunity on Sunday but go ahead, run man run,
Blessings, Blessings
Now in the natural, I have no idea where they are going to find the extra money, but I know that God will speak to somebody .
Now for something else that also blew me away .... This is the first time that this village ever got together for a celebration...They have spent there entire lives here working and trying to survive....Never taking the time to fellowship like this...... I think we are going to do this again..... like next month when we turn the water on..... stay tuned...... If you want to be a part of this celebration .
My heart is overwhelmed with joy when I think of how this all started. Doing an Xtreme Makeover for Laura and then buying a house that is now Eira's...Larissa making an guys making an impact....Kevin Pauls doing the first ever concert there. A young girl getting resources for an education. Now party....and the promise of water. the horizon I think I see a cloud the size of a mans hand!
Go Johnny, Go! Go, Go, Go Johnny Go!
Your heart has got to be absolutely bursting with joy! Mountains bow down...
Greetings in Jesus Name to all you Ladies and Gentlemen for you truely are!
I give thanks for you aways in m prayers, for you are lovers of the Lord God, His Heart and His Ways.
Please extend for us our joy as we see the magnificent and mighty Hand of God work on their behalf.
It may be always 11:00 and as an 11th hour dweller, there is always abundant glory at that time.
Praises be unto His Name for His perfect timing.
You are missed here, but we pray for His strength, His wisdom, His results over you everyday.
Love the Bencics
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