Sunday, October 09, 2005

Lord, today in Your House

Lord, in Your House today
we give You thanks and we give You praise.
Lord we are so blessed that You called us
from the muck and mire of this world.
Father today as we praise and worship You,
would Your presence be felt.
Lord today in Your house
would You fill the Mission127 team with your Holy Spirit.
Would You grant them wisdom and strength.
May your peace and blessings fall upon them and their fellowships
as they prepare to say a temporary goodbye to loved ones.
Would you grant them protection and
keep them safe until they return.
Lord today in your house would You be King
in our hearts and in our lives.
Would Your glory reside in us Lord.
Lord, today in Your house,
would You accept our praise and sacrifice.
Would You bless it 10 fold
and use it to glorify
Your most Holy and Excellent Name.
For it is in Jesus name we pray.

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