Tuesday, December 15, 2020

I could loose heart ...unless

Food and coal, food and coal, food and coal .. it seems like every day is delivering food and coal .. I could loose heart unless I believed that we would would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.    If I take a step back though I can see the individual .. the lives of the ONE that received something to eat today, or the family that will turn the heat back on tonight .  I just get so overwhelmed when I think of the lives that are being touched every day. 

In the city Kamala and her team have been busy shopping and packing food hampers for families .  

They are all so thankful when Kamala shows up with food.  

It was great for them to be able to bring the forth delivery of supplies to the homeless shelter.  Unfortunately these deliveries may be coming to an end as they have now used up their budget for helping here unless we get more donation's designated for the homeless arrive in the next few weeks. 

 We were blessed to be able to visit some of Aigoola's family and bring some food hampers to them as well.  That includes a delivery to Aizada . 

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