Sunday, December 02, 2018

Sunny day

Today was a beautiful day, a bit of a reprieve from the cold.  The boys were out and able to get a little sun. 

Three times a day Mirlan tends to the chickens.  he mixes their food with a liquid vitamin.  Now that it is cold he carries a towel to dry of his hands after mixing .. I had to chuckle , he looks like a waiter with towel on his arm.  

 Here are a couple more pictures of the guys enjoying the day.

We are harvesting now.  here there is wheat grass , arugula, basil, spinach, Swiss chard, and radishes . 

this next garden is leaf lettuce
next is baby spinach ready to pick 

Now into your salad throw in a few tomatoes, 

then some peppers and cucumbers , and you are all set for a great salad. 

and more marigolds .    they are an awesome plant to help keep the bugs down  

We are done with our coal deliveries, but the depots that we have set up are still busy providing coal for many in need . 

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