Monday, September 01, 2008

Back to school shopping

Now you think you have a hard time when it comes to back to school shopping .... Now picture yourself with 44 kids.... no money .... and a school policy that says ...

NO UNIFORM... NO SCHOOL..... That is what the village orphanage is facing this year.
The Uniform policy was introduced near the end of the school year last year as an attempt to keep enrolment down in the schools.... Last spring, the kids would share the Uniforms so that they all had the opportunity to go to school. Can you imagine waiting for your uniform to arrive from the morning school session so you could get ready and go yourself. This is a prim example of why a sponsorship program is so vital there. Because of the generosity of people here in North America, Uniforms will not hold our kids back from an education....

For the past few days, Sergey and Anya have been busy getting everyone ready. If you have ever gone shopping in the market with a purpose you will understand that this is no easy me sure, but they did it. Thank you Anya for all your help.... In my mind, putting a puck in the net does not make you a hero..... Putting 44 kids in school does !.... How would you like to be a hero some day?


Julie said...
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Ivy Lee said...

Give my regards to Sergei and Anya and let them know that I think they are INCREDIBLE. Those kids look great. I can't believe they have to wear formal suits to go to school.

Love to all,

Drew and Rita said...
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