This morning 8:30 came way to early... it seemed late last night when we made our plans, but we were all in pain this morning when we tried to get out of bed, but since people began arriving at the door at 8:30 we had to put on a brave front and get up...
Our first stop of the day was to Aigoola's house. Since we have arrived we have been hearing all the different stories of "problems" and destructive living that gets ingrained onto people's lives.. but once again Aigoola's was an example of everything going right.. As we pulled in we saw another lady and her daughter busy helping prepare lunch for us on a fire outside.. later we found out that she is homeless right now, and she and her daughter are living with Aigoola until things get settled. there were also a couple other kids that have been there for a few days while their parents sort out a drinking problem... everyone was so happy . As we walked into the court yard we were greeted by the cow and donkey and 4 little puppies. in the court yard they showed us the grain that they just brought in 31 100 lb bags that will supply their family needs, and another 47 bags that they will sell. We are still in negotiation over this. We have offered to buy them for the next shipment of humanitarian aid we are sending to Osh.. the problem is that Torat will not sell them to us.. he wants to give them to us. we will have to finish this conversation another time. Standing in the courtyard looking past the bags of grain, we could see in the front window of the sewing room where mattresses were stacked to the ceiling.. these are all destined for the refugee camps in Osh as well.. next she will start work on the blankets too. I could not help but stand there thank the Lord for such a sight ... A family that was in such just a short time ago is now a hub of blessing to so many in this land. When we went inside we found a beautiful table set for us... it was like Thanksgiving day came early... there was just so much to be thankful for.
So glad to see you all back home again.....makes me.....thankful that your work there is being seen as it was intended.....paying forward.
Torat has become a fine man and knows the value of sowing and reaping, allow him to sow to have some control over the reaping:)
If I close my eyes I can be right there in the courtyard with you all.....thankful
Dan :)
Grammy says, "Only one day in and my HNS has come back big time."
giving thanks!
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