This was the graduation for Torat... he is easy to spot... he is the best dressed one there... this is a real victory for us... what are the odds of a poor boy from an orphanage every completing school.. and not going of to find a labour Job... trust us ... it has been a constant pressure for him to quit school, but we have been able to convince him to continue ... He will go on to college in the fall....

I then got an email from my friend Christy in the Capital.. we do a lot of help in the hospitals there, and she is one of the key people that makes sure people are looked after when they are in the hospital... We help get them surgery, then call Christy, and she loves them from there... She heard that we were trying to get back , and wanted to add in her words of encouragement if any one was considering sponsoring us... .( as I am writing this , I had to pause and send word to Christy about a friend that has just gone into the hospital and needs help with food... )
''John and Julie's remarkable approach to the hurting in this land is beyond amazing. We have worked together countless times the last 2 years on the behalf of the '' untouchables''.Every time ,I walk away in awe of their ways. I truly want to be like them when I grow up.:O) Please consider helping them return. to continue what they have started ...
1 comment:
Please tell Torat that we are proud of him for sticking to it and graduating!!
The Danners
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