This morning I got am Email from Emma .. she and Acel have been working with Larisa to translate and prepare Simple dreams for posting over on the iam1ru site ... here is what she writes ...

I would like to start by pointing out that there is a difference here between her need and her dream... Her need is simply to have a school uniform so she can go to school.... this would be about $20... her dream is something totally different... it is something that is so far out of her grasp that she could only imagine what it would be like, and unless someone steps in and intervenes... she never will realize this dream... well I suppose that there is always the out side chance that some one will throw out a dress, but I doubt it....trust me...it's not like the west... before anything makes it to the trash it gets picked over by a lot of people....
All that is in me wants to say ... Emma for pity sakes, go buy her a dress and the prettiest shoes in the bazaar ... by her a nice jacket... socks and under where... bring her home let her have a bath... get her hair done ... take her out for supper... don't just buy her a princess dress, but treat her like the little princess that she is .... you could do that for under $100.... but we are back to the age old question... where does that $100 come from.. and if we had it, what about the children in the hospital.. the men in the invalid home, the seniors we help.. the endless list of needs..... sure $100 is not a lot, but what about the over 2000 kids and friends we know living on the edge.... that would be well over $200 000.... it can't be done! then I have to stop and think... can we do more... what if we give her a day to remember.. what then... How can we make a positive impact that will change the path of her life... I wish I new...
I guess I come back to what one of the Dream agents... a person that I have the greatest respect for, said to me one time.... " Start by doing what you can do , and before you know it you will be doing what others said could not be done".... or as Jayne says... just "stop for the one in front of you....
Today I am wondering "Is my little princess in the dump is worth stopping for ?"
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