I am sure that this will come as no surprise for many of our readers, just as it is really no surprise to us... For several years now we have known that Central Asia is were we are meant to be. We have tried for a couple years now to be as productive as we

can from our home in Canada and just take a couple of short trips a year. This has worked well but has been very difficult for us as a family as Julie has had to remain in Canada to support our work.... The Fact is that we are a much stronger team when we are working together as a family... the girls included...
Last month Julie was approved for a one year leave from work ...
without pay...gulp... our plan is to arrive in Central Asia just before the fall school semester starts up. This leaves us just three

months to get the funds in place and the house in order before we are off...
This is the biggest step that we have made to date... If we allow ourselves to think about it, it is very easy to get overwhelmed with all the "what-ifs"... But when I stop and look at what has been accomplished in the last year, I truly believe that we have the backing to see us through... that the timing is now, it's just a matter of taking that step of faith....
A couple of years ago it was all we could do to believe in support to bring a heater to the invalid home... this spring we renovated an entire wing... a couple years ago we thought it would be a stretch to bring a two week supply of baby food

to a hospital... from that point on we have not only supplied the food, but have renovated the entire hospital, and now are replacing the furniture... A couple of years ago, we thought it would be fun to take 20 kids to a restaurant... this Christmas we celebrated Christmas with over 2000 kids... then there are the schools, the seniors' home, the rehabilitation centre, and the list goes on... As I look at the

scope and the gravity of what has been accomplished ... I have no doubt that what WE dreamed of a couple years ago is well in our grasp now...
Our plan is that we will be in Central Asia for three months, returning to Canada mid Nov. then for the next three months we will travel throughout Canada and the U.S. sharing our experiences and raising awareness and funds,
(If you would like to host a fundraiser and have us come to your city, just let me know) then returning to KG .. for three months in the spring..followed by three months on the road again...
I was speaking with a cyber friend a little while ago.... she had found hersel

f in a situation where she was going to need money for a VERY worthwhile cause, yet found it very humbling to have to ask... It was only because she understood the importance and how it would effect the lives of others that she was able to muster up the courage to ask.... This is the situation we find ourselves in now... I have become at ease when asking for others, but I still really have to struggle to put this post together... then we get letters like this ...
When you are coming you are here for just 2 weeks at least for 1 month and you are leaving. So other times I`m just staying home and waiting for your next time coming. Every time when you here I`m being sooo happy from All my heart . In my heart for another time opportunity to see you and be with you. God sees it`s not because of money that i`m getting through you . Because He is restoring and lifting us up through you. Healing me every time when I`m with you when I see you guys I have a hope for life. Every time when I go with you somewhere to help somebody i`m sitting in the car and rejoicing for this chance again. You are very important people in our life. So you can`t stop being very close important people for us.So here goes... we have just taken that step....
and I have to ask....
Please help us...
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