One of the things that we HOPE to instill in the people of Central Asia is a social responsibility... we do that in many ways... the first is to find people that are stepping out and making a difference , then getting behind them and "putting the wind behind their sails"... so to speak... This not only continues to build them up and motivate them , but also provides the necessary funding to continue... Another way we bring HOPE is mearly by our presence... people that would otherwise be considered the out casts of society or the forgotten, suddenly have a spot light on them when A foreigner stops to help... It makes people stop and realize that there should be dignity in all life... The third and most important thing that we like to do is to bring that work to an area of self sustainability...
Not all programs will ever be able to support themselves by
making mattresses, or keeping bees... their is a lot that can be done, but some times sustainability comes by our example... and the Social Responsibility that we develop in others... I was so blessed to see the out come of the luncheon sponsored put on By David and Jayne from LAMb... If you go over to there blog and have a look, realise that the video was not asking you for support, but was to develop that social conscience I have been talking about ...They have been working on a plane for some time now... it is a plan to bring the community together and develop in them that desire to bring HOPE to their own communities... The hardest part is done... the Seniors home is open.. the basic needs are met... it is furnished and heated... I believe that is the work and sponsorship of many people like yourselves that there is a HOPE for this place... it is because of your support that the community can come together and catch that vision....

One of my main objectives since coming to work for Possibilities International has been to actively seek out, then restore HOPE and Dignity to those that have fallen through the cracks and are living in the dark corners of society ... when we do that... something incredible can happen... those dark places become light... and in that light... a community can be changed.. and a social responsibility can be birthed.... why not take a look over in the iam1ru "dream machine" and you will find a several more dark corners needing a little light shone on them ... Lets continue to set that example to the nations... lets challenge them with that question..... iam1ru?
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