Friday, December 22, 2006

Needs met.

Hello Dear John.
Thank you what you want help for Lora. But she now not need money, because Sam sand for us, but I ‘m glad what you and your heart is open for bless and for help for other people. God bless you, my brother and sister.

With love Sergey, Anya and kids.

I am thankfull for all of you who stepped up to the plate to help Laura, but I am more thankfull to God for front line workers like Sergi and Anya who are there on our behalf.....It is a real credit to their integrity that they would email and turn down an offer for financial support for this need as Sam (P.I.) had already taken care of it. This is one of the reasons I KNOW that when they ask for help, it is serious. Lets remember to hold them up in prayer
Blessings John

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