Monday, November 16, 2020

Dreams do come true !

"My whole life I dreamed of one day having plastic windows."....Auxana 

This is a day for dreams to come true .  Auxana  sure is pleased with the windows and the support that she received .  She will now be able to get her house closed in before winter .    

Some other wishes were granted today as well, .. Like this family that received a load of coal .   It makes me smile when I see things like this.  The world is such a difficult place these days , but when a stranger does something like this, it can make a world of difference. 

Victor got a little help as well this last week .  He has finished his secondary vocational studies, and is now going on to University for computer science and needed a stronger computer.   

With this picture , he sent Julie this little note. 

Thank you very much for everything that you have done for me, and continue to do, I always think about what if it were not you, then I would have a different life. 

A lot of you have invested, and continue to invest in Victor and his grandmother.   He is right, with out YOU his life would be a hole lot different.  He is taking full advantage of the opportunities he has been given . 

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