Friday, June 04, 2010

another Photo day... and much more

This first photo is of the kids at one of the small orphanages getting more photo's of them selves... I mentioned a couple weeks ago that this is something new to them, and they were all so excited to receive them that Emma has been printing more for them ... they are so proud to be able to show Acel there pictures. that's the best part about photo's ..they are best shared.....
Sergey and Anya were busy over at the Baby hospital.. they went to bring Baby food and to bring the rest of the money for the baby ventilator.. pictures to follow shortly over on the iam1ru site ....They brought Natasha with them this trip... she is the go to person for Ruby and Lynn from LAMb... they have been doing a lot of work at the baby hospital as well, and it is good to go with a common front time to time to make sure that there is not ever a duplication of service... well they were there , they took a few minutes to check up on Baby Melana Grace.... and her bunk mate... The Dr there heard about some of the others that have been sending letters asking for help to get us back , and she wanted to send one as well...

Dear John Wright!
As the director of the hospital and the staff of the children's department, we greatly appreciate your help to renovate the children's department of our hospital. Your workers painted, plastered, put new tiles on the walls, new pipes, sinks, new doors and new linoleum floors. We bought a washing machine with powder soap, a computer, EKG machine and a ventilator. Through John, we have for our orphans a continuous supply of food and clothes. Your being here is important for our orphans and to improve our material, technical base of our children's department. You are needed here .

Aiperi and Altynai are working on something to say as well, but they will be here in a few weeks to share in person ... they have been working on their presentation, and that includes a little Kyrgyz music with Aiperi singing and Altynai accompanying on the Kamooz ... here is a little sneak preview... ( If you are viewing this from FB, you will need to follow this link to see the video )

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