Beautiful little Sophia... she is growing more distant every time I see her..hopefully Emma can get through to her

At the seniors home with Tanya the director, and a couple of the Babushka's..Anna and her new friend that just arived.

Checking out the new flools at the hospital... Vlady and the boys did a great job...I was speaking with the director and asked what she was dreaming of next...She said come take a photo of this,.. and she brought me to show me the beds

These springs are so week that when some one sits on them, they nearly touch the floor amd there head and feet nearly touch... Anya was telling me about this as well from when she had her boys

We then checked out the office ... I wanted to make sure the computer was still there and working ... apparently it quit a little while ago, but while the boys were there putting down the flooring, they were able to fix it.

Room after room we went around and saw clean newly renovated rooms...ICU..exam rooms , recovery rooms , even washrooms... I told every one that if we were ever in a bad accident, we would not have to shoot Julie...(As per her instructions) but there would be a sfe place to bring us now...I think back to this time last year... the Dr nearly had a heart attack herself at the thought of me taking a single photo here.. now They have a hospital to be proud of....

Valdic and Arture were over for a visit and saw some of the mosaic art Emma did with Melody and Davina, they thaought it was really cool, but did not have time to stay, so Emma sent the supplies home with them... a few hours later we got these photo's emailed to us....

If you ask me, Sergey and Anya enjoyed the craft as well..hahahaha

I wanted to get a look a little further into the damaged area's before I left...how is this for a road block

This is a popular resteraunt that we would go usualy once each visit as a special treat... not such a treat now... this is the place that was burned by the mob just as Isar brought the team to the airport.

A few of the team came over to say good buy and to get some last minute instructions before I left... I noticed Emma was not in the photo... I think she was hiding from me... just making sure I did not make her come Back to Canada with me .

Every one is gone, and the appartment is empty.. I am sitting here alone.. I think for the first time in a month... Isar will be arriving to pick me up in a few hours and we will make the journey to the airport... It is a bit of over kill to be in a bus by myself, but I did not want the others out at night, nor did I want to be in a small car.. Isar after all is our Super hero.. and I will once again trust him to get me through to the airport...
Every time I go , I never take for granted the friendships we have built , and some where in the back of my mind is always the question ...Will I ever see them again... This trip, that has been abundantly clear...Since I was here in the fall, I have missed the passing of 2 of our seniors from the seniors home, about 6 of the men I knew well from the Invalid home.. I have lost my dear friend Talas , and now young Chopanou, one of our sponsored children cared for by Larisa...As difficult as this has been , I do realise that EVERY one of them died with a peace in their hearts... They all knew that out of nothing , they had been restored to a place of Hope and Dignity... In a land filed with hopelessness and destitute poverty that is something.... All around us there is violance , corruption and greed... yet as I think of our friends .. in the seniors home, Rehab centres, invalid homes , hospitals, orphanages, schools, struggling families... government offices, as well as all our Brothers and sisters here... What they are left with is an understanding of Joy peace, and generosity .... Over the last few days as we have traveled around the valley, we have had some serious conversations about this in light of the current revolution and subsiquent un rest... They all recognise that they have a big task ahead of them to continue being a light in the darkness...
Emma has been very quiet.. she is hard to read at the best of times, but I think she is just trying to keep her head down, hoping that I do not change my mind and make her come home with me ... But I feel deaply that she is needed here... She has a peace about her.. one that is needed now more then ever... I am always in such a rush with so much on the go... that is not what our friends need right now.. they need the quite friendship.. Malana needs some one to sit quietly and rock her.... the kids need someone to sit on the floor with them and play quietly... I don't know if I am making sence right now... but I believe Emma willl give them something that I can't....
I had supper tonight with Lynn and Ruby, and David and Jayne... It was a wonderfull time of fellowship... we were able to relax, and discuss the events of the last month... .. it was nice to "de brief" before leaving, as well as to pass a few small areas of concern over to them to keep an eye on...some of which I have shared, and many that are still in the works. There are just so many stories yet to be told ....
As I was transfering photo's off the computer here to bring back to Canada with me, I noticed several in the Blog file that I have not even begun to share yet.. so I will post them now, and tell the stories later.... ..It will be a couple days before I am back ito internet acces again.. so until then,
Thank you for all your prayers and support.. Continualy we share with people that the provisions are not from us, but we are mearly blessed to be the ones to deliver them... so again to al of you.. thank you for helping our friends in a time such as this....
1 comment:
John- we are praying for you and all those in Kyrgyzstan, especially your dear friends. Safe travels!
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