Monday, April 12, 2010

A quiet place

As the people of Kyrgyzstan struggle to get back to some form of normal life, the events of the last few days continue to come back to haunt them...
This morning the schools were reopened... When the kids from Altynai's school returned, she learned that the father of her room mate from last year was killed during the revolution... as well several of the students have not returned.. It is a quiet place today... Please pray that God would coumfort them at this time.....
We were also saddened for our friend Buket Back... he is the driver that we have switched to for Emma until things settle down... He was at the funeral of his friend and nighbour yesterday...This young man was cought by a stray bullet as he was eating his lunch... After the funeral, one of Bukets best friends was killed in a car accident on the way home... .. He to was quiet yesterday......
I wish I could say that these deaths were needless and a wast, but the conditions here had finaly reached a boiling point... it was inevitable....

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