It represents a people that have been beaten down and have been forced into a place that they feel they must retaliate or in many cases simply give in and die.... Life has been so hard for them over the last few years, and with the ousted presidents tenancies of driving his people deeper into poverty to exploit the "super powers" into giving infrastructure aid that was used to line his pockets, it was just a matter of time before this was going to happen...and we all knew it...
I have always maintained that true humanitarian aid needs to be delivered not on a large government to government scale, but the most effective way is to deliver it People to people...and I am not saying this because I work with a small grass roots charity... No..it is BECAUSE of this belief that I work with a small grass roots charity....
Billions have been sent in aid from government to government... and where is it now... ..Here is what I think of when I think of the events of the last few weeks... I think of a people that when driven to disparage , found peace and comfort with our friends... I think of places like the baby hospital ... a world of chaos all around, and in a quiet , clean, loving environment , our friend Ruby gives a precious gift to this beautiful baby... her name .... Melana Grace... because that is what she represents to us ... the Grace and peace that we bring .....

It does not end there... as we traveled from project to project, we found Peace and grace... they were all glad to see us, and happy to know we were safe, but really like the Melana, they were safe... removed from the danger and fear...living in a place of Grace and peace... I have had so many that have contacted us asking, suggesting , and even insisting that we pull up stakes and get out... But you just need to spend a day in our wake, and you would understand the importance of remaining.... We are teaching peace to a nation, we are bringing Hope... we are restoring dignity... we are teaching people what it is to dream .......On my flight into JFK a couple days ago, I watched the Amelia Earhart storey... in it she was asked about her journeys.. she responded
"Every one has Oceans to fly..as long as they have a heart to do it, Is it risky ?... Maybe... But what do dreams know of boundaries?"
1 comment:
John, I love this post!!!
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