It's easy to get all caught up in the process and forget the purpose!... The purpose is to restore HOPE and DIGNITY to the hurting helpless and the lost.... but the process winds us through an endless path of decision and indecision... Who to help..How to help ..What is the best way to Help... Can we help.. Who will oversee the help... Who will pay for the help..How will we get the money there in time to help... and the list goes on and on... and EVERY single case if different... I am sure that some times there could be a better way.. something we missed, but when I look at impact that is being made all around the world , I just feel so blessed to be part of it.... It seems that every where I look, there are desperate needs... I am glad to be part of a program that allows us to be able to respond...I am glad that as I am focused on those needs in a very small corner of the Globe, that I am associated with others that are working tirelessly in the fields that they have been planted in....
I have had such a burden for our counter parts that are working in the orphanage in Haiti... you may have noticed that I still have the Haiti Video on the bottom of this blog......I am happy that PI has a team preparing right now to go and bring them the help that they desperately need... Friends that are tuned to need ... are stepping out... some are going and some are sending... Where many of the senders do so anonymously, I do know most of those that are going, and have had the honor of traveling with them in the past... Knowing them, I know that they Monosoro's will be so blessed to have them...
I heard a storey of Two men walking down the street in NY City... one was from the city, but the other had grown up in the country ... as they were walking
along, amidst the hustle and bustle... cars, and buses, jack hammers and street vendors, the man from the country turned to his friend and said..." Do you hear that.... a cricket!"... the friend from the city said " There is no way you can hear a cricket over all this noise.." but the man from the country was determined .. he followed the sound , and there under a leaf in a planter in front of one store he pointed out the cricket... His friend looked at him and said "How could you have possibly heard that ?" the country friend said ... "JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN NOT HEAR THEM DOES NOT MEAN THEY ARE NOT THERE!"... he want on to explain that it was just a mater of what you are tuned to listen to ... He then said "Here let me show you ".. he then reached into his pocket, pulled out a hand full of cha
nge and amidst the noise of the city he dropped the handful on the ground.... Instantly, EVERY ONE with in about 20 feet stoped what they were doing and turned and looked to see ..... you see there interest did not lie in the song of the cricket, but in drive for money!

As Sam prepares to take this team to Haiti, I wonder how many still hear the cry of the children.... I guess it all depends on how you are tuned.....
If you would like to help them Make A Difference... you can donate using the donate button on the side of the Blog... Just put Raise the Rubble in the memo box... or you can go to for more information.... and hay .. check out the final days of the on line auction while you are there...
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