Thursday, June 18, 2009

It's OK he had to get up to answer the phone anyways....

Just after I mentioned about how much I like Skype, I had an opportunity to use it again... I was meeting with a group of Knitters today. These ladies knit for us bags and bags of beautiful blankets, outfits and teddy bears... You will see a lot of the blankets etc. time to time on the blog... We have taken the knitting to Guatemala, a couple countries in Central Asia and next week I am sending 4 or 5 hockey bags with the PI shop till you drop team that is heading for an orphanage in the Ukraine. I brought them some crafts from the orphans as well as a few photo's of there knitting as it was handed out, the teddy bear that the little boy is holding on the header of this blog...
While showing photo's , many of them had Jengish in them, so they started asking questions about who he was and what he did for PI... they were quite fascinated that such a young man could make such an impact , or that he would be so willing to do this kind of work... I then looked at the time and saw it was 12:30 at night in Central Asia, and knew Jengish would be just getting in from working with the homeless, so we gave him a call...

The clash between modern technology, and the Ara that these ladies grew up in was amazing... they were so excited to talk to someone from the other side of the world, to be able to ask questions, and to , for a minute feel connected to him... One lady sat quietly with tears streaming down her face... 10105 Kilometers away as the crow flies, and Jenish's care and compassion for those that he helps shone through in real time........


Anonymous said...

Jengish IS da Bomb!!


Anonymous said...

Hey what agreat story! and I like the new digs. Jengish rocks and so does the lady with tears. Your work with these ladies is a blessing for them, giving them a way and a reason to reach out to this world.peace brother

Cindy Lajoy said...

John, I think that part of your role simply creating connections. And how powerful that is!!! It is the one theme that constantly comes through for me when I think of facilitate the creation of a sense of community between people near and far who otherwise might not ever meet. The interdependence you encourage among those you meet and in Central Asia is amazing...your mind is always clicking and you immediately see how and where people can be "plugged in". It is a gift that most do not have, and though initially it is an intangible gift, I am convinced it is at the core of your success...ah yea, that and the fact that Dad ..must totally dig using you!