Friday, May 08, 2009

Back in the village with friends...

I just got in from a busy day. I was out in the village for our coffee hour..... we did well.. it only lasted 3 hours ........ Today we had about 40 including an extra room full of kids...It is such a joy to be with these families..... the problems that the world faces are small compared to what they face every day, yet there is always such a time of joy when we are with them.... Everyone always wants to talk about the "Crisis" that the world is facing, but in this little village, they are not concerned... they say.."What is there to loose when you have nothing"... They are for the most part substance farmers, they grow just enough to feed their animals, and if they have any animals left when the winter is over... this is a good thing. We have noticed more and more families that were scared of us in the past are eager to great us now, Including the family of the little boy in having his cleft pallet surgery.

Today there were many other projects that came to surface... I have been in contact with several of the mayors offices in the region over the last week or so, and many are facing the same things.. they have such a care and concern for their people, and just do not have the resources to do anything... some of the things I will be researching on over the next couple days will be children and Seniors that need hearing aids... help with a setting up a government day care, further projects out at the invalid home, and the list goes on...Some incredible opportunities to build some strong relationships... I have one of my translators that is an absolute networking bomb, at this rate I would not be surprised if by the end of next week, I will have weaved my way through every government office and police station in our end of the valley...

On our way back from the village... we were pulled over by the police... they recognised me in the car... I thought for a little while I was in trouble, then the cop said that I visited the home of a friend of his last week, and just wanted to get a chance to meet me... then asked if I could teach them English... My friend laughed, she said "if you knew how bad his English was, you would not ask this"... LOL.... I guess she has been here to see my entire page turn yellow when I hit the spell check button..... Any ways we covered the valley pretty good today... And tomorrow I will be heading to the rehab centre in the morning to bring more shoes out for the guys... I will have to get the camera downloaded and batteries recharged... I will try to have more photo's tomorrow...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now, in what part of the world do the Police pull you over just to say hi :) The part of the world where you have selfless influence in, thats where.

The village that was once forgotten, will become the center of the world one day Mathew 24:27


Dan :)