Now that the girls have Internet, we have started getting more emails and updates. As part of their "New" plan, we have them working with Ed's people down in southern Ukraine. We have not had the time needed to raise a budget for them, but wanted them to have a good experience, so We have been giving them a budget of $100 a week to work with the kids... not a lot of money , but for us it adds up, and for them, it is one heap of money, and a great opportunity to be a part of blessing others. Here is one of the letters we got from Altynai.

hello! how are ya?
how is Quebec? I hope you're having fun there and I saw pictures at the blog: I like this kyrgyz party that you made at Canada day :)
we're doing good and, you know, I want to say thank you for this opportunity to be here because, I think, I found what God wants me to do all my life!! and also I see that many people that wants to serve God don't have enough money to do these things that we do and I feel so thankful and want to do more. People say about us that we are missionaries and it makes me happy :)
thank you papa and mama, I can't wait to see you and I want to tell you more!!!!
love Altynai

At the Boys rehab centre, Altynai planned a day of fun and games.. she wrote Bekah to get her to send her a reminder of how all the different games went that Bekah had played with them when they were living in the orphanage so long ago... They had such a great time, and had a birthday celebration as well....

Then over at the girls home they had a party as well.. for them they bought ice cream and fresh berries... what an exciting thing that would be.. I have been at parties like that before, for many of these kids this will not only be a first, but they will never expect such a treat again.. we just take so much for granted.. but our girls don't.... Every time they meet with the kids, they have a storey for them of how life can hold out great hope and opportunity for an orphan, and that they are living proof that good things can happen...
Next I will tell you a little about things from Emma's perspective.
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