Joyful and Triumphant .. that is a series that Julie is going to do over on face book, but I thought I would steel that theme for today . Everyone has been very busy getting ready for Christmas . In total we have 85 chickens purchases and the team is busy packing food hampers to go along with them. This is such a win, win, win event. The Chickens are nice big and plump. they are raised by our friends over at Teen Challenge. They had offered a discount rate for us, but we insisted on paying the full price because this is how the centre is funded. That's one WIN .. The next win is this is putting a tangible item in the hands of our worker so that as they go around and touch base with families to make sure that they are ok they have a great blessing to give them. WIN and the last WIN .. Just imagine having little to no food in your home and for some no way to even heat your home .. and having one of our team show up with food and for some coal as well. It is always such an emotional time .. for all ... I remember one day last month we were delivering the coal .. we had delivered 16 tons to 16 families .. Sergey looked over at me and said "I just want to cry" every emotion is experienced when the needs are so raw. We are so thankful for the support that allows us to support families.
When we got back from Kyrgyzstan this fall we went to restock our cupboards and fridge ( we try to have everything as empty as possible when we are away for extended periods ) I was so shocked by the increase prices. I walked past the turkeys and saw a small turkey for $55 .. I decided then that we were not going to be having a turkey this year ... Well we were blessed with a turkey that we were given .... I was so happy and relieved ... but really ..we were going to eat ... like this meal we put together at Bekahs .. it was a hit ..
Bekah screamed and Amelia cried hahaah. But for many there is no plan B and if they are fortunate they might have a bowl of buckwheat kasha So just imagine the Joy when our friends arrive. I love seeing how even the boys on the farm are getting into this GIVING thing .. Mirlan came back from the store and shared how he heard that the man that looks after the forestry centre up in the mountains is just home from the hospital with a Valve replacement , and does not have coal .. So the boys loaded up the van and went for a drive .
The man was so happy that he offered our boys a Christmas tree .. On the way back to the farm, Mirlan then said 
"We already have so much , can we give this to the orphanage ?" Today some one from the orphanage will stop buy and pick up a tree and 15 chickens .. how fun is that !.

We had two more loads of coal arrive from our friends at Luke Service International, and they are also helping us to pack 30 food hampers to go with the Chickens. The 26th the boys will be back on the road for a few days with special deliveries .
Over on the end of the valley a life long dream has been filled as an oven was delivered .. She was so excited , mixed with a little bit of disbelief ...
This year for Christmas with our kids we are doing a secret Angle where they will draw names of who to shop for. We have given them each a small budget to work with .. This way they get to be involved in the giving , not just the getting . While at the bazar one of my seller friends saw the boys and asked to have them send me a picture and say hi.
There is so much more to share but lets just leave it for today at
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