Thursday, November 08, 2007

Catching Up

Well so much has been happening that I seem to be falling behind. I thought it would be great to give a little recap of where things stand in the village.

It is amazing to me what can be done with small amounts of money here in Central Asia. I am told that inflation is causing the price of most things to increase 15-20%. In God's economy....the generousity of His is this for a list of things that have been done, or that are being done by the investment of about $25,000.New Tile floor in kitchen, dishwashing room, and two side well as tile halfway up the wall.All new plumbing under the tile floorAll new electrical in the new kitchenTwo countertop rangesMicrowaveChicken Coup(with fenced in area)and 22 six month old laying hens and a roosterBlock building to hold water heating furnace...and also a winters supply of coalTwo brand new windows (2 meters by 4 meters) in the dining room (installed)Three brand new windows for kitchen (2 meters X 3 meters...installed)Generator for Mission that works with orphanagesA financial blessing for a Bible College that trains leaders to help the hurting, hopeless and helpless.Partnership with Children of Hope (child sponsorships) that saw all 45 orphans have $50 spent on them for new clothes and shoes/boots.....and I am sure I am missing a couple things...Oh yeah...a Metric Tonne of Potatoes that will last the orphanage at least through the winter.Cleaning supplies for KitchenPaint for KitchenNew Shelving in Kitchen....C'mon! Somebody get off their hiney and do a dance or something. This is wild stuff! Thank you God...for letting me be part of it!Every last child in that orphanage is worth it!

Sammy Pi.

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