What a wonderful long weekend we had in Florida . We were blessed beyond measure having the opportunity to share at NLC and reconnect with some friends there . We were able to join them for three services.

We were especially blessed to spend time with and stay with Logan and his family . He is always such an inspiration .
A little beach time is always nice as well .
Then at 3:30 am we headed for the airport to come back to Canada .. Flights were great and un eventful .
We are now repacking our bags for the next adventure . Tomorrow
( Saturday ) we will be heading for the airport again. We are heading for Kyrgyzstan Via Iceland and Amsterdam . As if the trip was not long enough, New Visa regulations in Kyrgyzstan require us to be out of the country 120 days between visits and since the specifics of the law are still up in the air, we will have to extend out stay in Amsterdam a couple days. So this is going to be an adventure.

I got a message from Aiperi . She helps with seniors and those in an Afganistan refugee camp . One of her groups is difficult to get to, but one of the ladies she helps has a grandson that could come out to get the supplies from her for them if we could find him a bike. Aiperi has found a good used one for $60 and has asked if I knew anyone that would like to help with that.
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