Friday, October 01, 2021

Your seeds will find you out !

A shout out today to Vera and Oleg who were on deliveries to the seniors for seniors day celebrations .  This year we decided to give them ENHANCED food packages .. not just the basics but spice it up with some  cookies, sweet condensed milk , chocolates and gourmet teas . 

Over at the training centre , we got a contract for some tables to go to a rehab centre . 
The boys will have a few days of work and learning ahead of them . 

a few weeks ago we had the boys planting the starters for in the green house . Tomatoes and Peppers .  Vlad got them all set up and told them to put three seeds per pot . and keep going until all the seeds were gone.

This was taking toooo long for one of the boys so he tried to "hide " some of the seeds .. It worked for a couple weeks, but alas ," His seeds have found him out .: 

As we head into Octobrrrrrrrr we are focusing on providing coal to those in need, and will be trying to raise at least $10 000. for this. 


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