Due to some technical difficulties and internet being down so much at the start of the pie challenge , we will be extending it until Nov 30th.. I know that it is so important that we dedicate more time to this event. there are so many that are depending on us . I want to tell you a few stories...
When Andy was here, he visited the blind society with Talant , there they met up with the director. When Andy asked what his biggest needs were, he was told that they are very concerned about Christmas All of these kids and no one has any resources , day to day living is next to impossible for many of them, and there is no way that these kids will e able to have Christmas.. They said that they had had help other years from a wonderful donor who helps them, but they never know from one year to the next if the funding will come threw and they are so scared that it might not come this year. That donor that he is talking about is us ... You and me .. we are the HOPE for this precious community.
We went to Slavics orphanage to pick up Slavic and some of his friends to go to the mountain , It was a holiday and many of the kids were away, Those that were left were the kids that have no one. When we arrived , a few of the other boys wanted to come along, We said that would be great , but the director was not there , so the man in charge was a little concerned until the other workers all began to tell him who we were , and more then once I herd them bring up the Christmas parties .. Those parties became the key As soon as he heard that , there was no question , and we piled a few more Eager kids into the car ... And boy were they happy... I realized that the re-pore that we have with many of the orphanages is as a result of events like the Christmas parties... I also realized what it means to these boys .. They were left because maybe no one cares about them Maybe the last time anyone came for them was last Christmas ....

I shared before about the time I was bringing one young boy to the Dr;s and all the way there he told me about the people that came to his orphanage last Christmas and broung them all gifts, and how every person got something , and how special that was to him ,He told me all about thew party , then showed me the gift he got , 4 months later and he was still caring it with him . I was doing the math in my head, and turned to Sergey and said "Wow thats a lot of money , this is fantastic , who did that " he smiled and said YOU DID... that's right This is the kind of lasting impact we are having , not just a little fun and excitement for one day, but HOPE that carries these kids for months to come .
Then I think of the young boy I spent time with last night .. He is new to the orphanages , he has been alone on the street and has had such a hard life. He is the boy that hugged me and said " Thank you that you love me " I doubt he has ever experienced a Christmas when he knew someone cared about him .. This Christmas he will .
That same young man drew a photo for Andy a couple weeks ago , and said .. "this is me now "...
I think that is what this whole pie challenge is about .. it's not just about a gift or a few bottles of Vitamins , it is about taking a moment and applying a patch to a broken heart ...
If we truly stop and think of it lake that .. $10 really can change the life of a child.. it can patch a broken heart ... Please take a moment and donate right now to the pie challenge so that we can continue to show Gods love to the children of Kyrgyzstan.