It was reconfirmed to us again last night.. Driving in the city, a truck ran a red light as we were going through on the green. If we had not swerved and stopped just in time. we would have been creamed, instead the truck then swerved across the road, and slammed through the light post and landed up on the side walk against the building... Fortunately no one was seriously injured, and others drivers stayed around to confirm that she had run the light. Things could have very well been different for us, and we too could be facing the same difficult situations that our young friends family is facing.
In an attempt to console, or to pay their respects, a face book group has been set up to give condolences. Photo's have begun to pop up as well... Many are beautiful photo's of her having fun with her friends, but something I find disturbing has started to also crop up... This young girl lived a life of conflict over the last few months.. some of the choices she was making did not represent what had been her path until then. As a result , photo's of her more recent behavior have started to appear... At first I was very disappointed that something like this would happen... I would have thought that out of respect for her family and her, they would not have posted these photo's, but then what is worse, I realized that her new friends may not have seen anything wrong with their behavior....
In this age with Face book, wikipedia and other society defined information networks, It should make us all think ... what life story would your Face book eulogy tell... what stories and photo's could people post about me.... Am I living every area of my life in such a fashion that I would not be embarrassed...(apart from the odd belly dancing video with the orphans).... And am I living my life to the fullest potential.... could I have done more ... will people say I missed a window of opportunity... If we are honest with ourselves, these are just a few of the many questions that we should ask.... but fortunately, I believe that the final judgment will not be left up to Face Book to render....
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