---Update from Bill Manassero 1/14/09 6:50 PM
It has been a trying time but our Rock of Salvation sustains us. Seeing such suffering, death and devastation is definitely wearing on all of us. Many of our employees have lost family members and homes. We also heard the terrible news that one of our former workers at the boys home, Daniel Jean, has passed away. This young man was like a son to Susette and i. Please keep his mother Matilla and their family in your prayers.
Earlier today, we were overwhelmed with patients at our makeshift clinic. Unfortunately, we were also out of meds and doctors. The few nurses we have were fading quickly.
We are reading that there are all these relief supplies arriving in Haiti but don't know how to access them. Roads are bad. Ports and customs are even worse.
We closed the clinic and said we were unable to help any new people. Someone told me the CNN wanted an interview. We thought if we could get the word out, maybe one of the relief organizations here might hear about our dilemma and find a way to get us supplies. i waited on hold for about 30-45minutes with CNN and they ended up postponing the interview. By the time i made it back to the clinic our doors were open and they were receiving new patients. When i asked what happened, they said an SUV full of Haitian doctors and nurses arrived with supplies. i guess God wants us to stay open -- at least for another day or two (which is how long the supplies may last). Praise God!!!
One of the toughest new patients we received was a little 12-18 month old baby that had crawled out from the rubble of its house where both his mother and father had died. The lady that found the baby crawling on the street in front of his home said the baby was just crying hysterically. He was dehydrated and pretty scratched up. He is doing much better now but he is very fragile.
We have had a number of amputations, many cuts and bruises, broken bones and multiple head injuries. A lot of the people we are seeing now are those who have been rescued from collapsed buildings.
We don't know how people are finding us but the word is definitely out. If only the relief organizations could find out.
We also don't know how long we will continue. At this point, it looks like we will be operating the clinic for some time to come.
The MDL kids are doing remarkably well (with the exception of Daphne who got her half body cast today -- she'll be much better tomorrow). Many of our kids are wearing rubber gloves, masks and assisting the medical team. The rest are helping with cooking, cleaning and crowd control. What a blessing they are! Please keep them in your prayers.
The Mission Viejo team has been remarkable and an unbelievable Godsend. The airports are closed and we are not sure if they will be able to fly out when planned (Monday). Please keep them in your prayers.
We are so very moved by the outpouring of love, prayers and support from our friends in the States and all over the world. We can never thank everyone enough for everything. God is so good!!!
The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. Psalm 18:2
i will try to get another email out tomorrow -- Lord willing. Keep praying!!
In Christ in Haiti,
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