We begin today's Christmas Celebration post by bringing you to the bed ridden section of one of the orphanages in Central Asia... These are kids that are often forgotten ... left out. In this orphanage, they have an incredible staff that loves them and cares for them, and along with our friends wanted them to have a special Christmas this year... Just because they are severely disabled does not mean that these kids will be forgotten or left out...
Every child in this section received a new soft stuffed animal that they could hold ...

I love this next photo... I see the Kit Kat in the bag... that bring back memories from when I was a kid... chocolate bars / pop / restaurants... these were all things that were for special occasions... one of those occasions was Christmas when my grand parents would come for a visit... They would bring with them a box of Turtles... but often the long train ride would be too much for my grandmother and she would eat them on the way.... then be up sick all night...lol... My Grandfather was never a man of words, or affection, but he would always come through with a Kit Kat..... It was his way of saying he cared .....
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