This is Emil ... Such a happy boy.. yet as is so often the case there is a lot more going on then you would think at first glance... He has a special place in the heart of our one of the PI dream agents in Uzbekistan. They were just speaking with his mother and found out that he has cancer... something that strikes fear in anyones heart, but for a mother in a country like Uzbekistan, it can be unbearable... she explains how she understands what his future has in store for him... The treatments are going to cost $100 U.S. For this mother, this is something that is far beyond what they are able to cover... so for now, Emil will have to let the cancer take it's course....
When our dream agents found out, of course they wanted to help right away, but there are just so many other small needs out there that some are going to slip through the cracks.... and that is what iam1ru.com is all about... standing beside those that are in jeopardy of falling through the cracks.... maybe we can stir the heart of other philanthropists out there that will stand up and proclaim..."For $100 a want to be 1 too" .
1 comment:
You may want to contact St. Jude hospital in Memphis, TN. I know they will treat patients for free. Perhaps they have a suggestion for how to get Emil to America.
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