Today we made the rounds getting projects started..... and visiting old friends... and some new ones.... This is the new baby of one of the families we have been helping ...
We stoped at Aigoola's house to order another 20 mattresses for a physiotherapy/help centre we will be opening in a few weeks.
That makes over 100 mattresses ordered since we got here... I think it is almost time to consider expansion, but until then I thought I better sit down and help her catch up. or maybe not... Then we went out and took a look at the addition Torat is putting on the barn. He will be comming to town tomorrow, and we will buy him the materials for the roof.

There is a new addition to the farm .... Meet Benjamin....
Julies first born son.

Another stop today was out to the Seniors home to start the heating project there... The old folks were so happy to see us... apparently they knew I was in town and had been waiting for us to come. There are several new seniors living there now...
We stoped to visit with them and Anya had a good TALK with one that was not in very good shape... 

Tonight we went with Olga to take a look at what we will need to bring the center up to par before we open... Ruslan is assuring me that he can have this maze of old pipping and gas lines cleaned up in 1 day... I did not think you could do anything in a day here.... 

We also stoped at Vera's centre to take a look at future expansion possibilities ... they have out grown the present building, and the attached house has come available... We have decided to make a very low ball offer and see what happens... crazier things have happened.... Tomorrow we will be heading to the Hospital in the morning to get the renovations started there....
Nice to see the rain coming back to Tokmok :)
So, what are you doing in your spare time there?? Oh yes reporting on the blog and sleeping of course.
Great news to hear that "expansion" is the word of the mission trip, awesome. I'll make Turat's barn expansion photo my desk top background just so I can remain grounded.
Praying you stay in your zone,
Dan :)
Great post John. I am honoured about the name sakes.
Love julie
That's quite a vacation your'e on bro. LOL. Love what you and the folks are doing. Keep up the good kingdom work.
What you do to the least you do directly to HIM!!!
Hey John
It looks like Benjamin had his bangs trimmed...who did it..
Can't wait to see everyone...we get in on Sat Oct 3....see you soon, love you and your family
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