I really enjoyed the interaction between the kids . I was sharing with Dominick how each of their kids reminded us of one of our kids in KG with the personality and the appearance... We are used to our kids jocking around and playing, but could never understand them well... it was col to be able to understand the banter...
so for a few days the Lajoy's had 7 kids... as our girls just fit right in...
Last night we had an open house at the Danners in Salt lake city... we met some incredible people , it was such a good time.. I will get some photos of that day up soon.
Don't forget about the pie in the face challenge.. $5 will buy a Christmas present and a party for an orphan or underprivileged child... not only that , but an equal match gift will go to the on going operations of LAMb as well so that we can continue to help the kids throughout the year...
If your name is not on the side bar ad you would be willing to take one for the kids, let me know and I will add you to the list.. A pie in the face at $500 is a small price to pay to know you have been responsible for providing Christmas for 100 kids.
So wonderful and amazing that you all finally met!
How much fun must that have been?????
Wanted to make sure my name was added...not looking forward to a pie in the face, so I'll get started in the fundraising straight away!
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