The day started with Sergey and Anya picking up a special friend for the long drive to visit a bunch of special kids. The special friend is the director of the orphanages that just closed, and the kids are those that she cared for so so long...
this visit alone is one of the greatest gift that our young friends could imagine. It was also a real relief for them to See Sergey and Anya again.. this is only their second day at the new orphanage, and this will be good for them to know that we have followed them and will continue to be active in their lives...
Victor is taking a minute to show off his new front teeth for his sponsor....

Even Anya was getting excited with all the excitement
Now back to this side of the world... I mentioned earlier that we have a team on the way to Haiti next week, but I did not mention that we also are putting together a team to head back to our friends in Guatamala... There are some beautiful families that we work with there that have been on our hearts... as if we do not have enough on the go, this is just something that we can not shake.... I guess it is because there is a genuine need, had we CAN make a difference here...but we need to start making the plans now if we are going to pull this one off.... here is the proposal I have from Sam on this one..
In the month of March PI will be taking a team to Guatemala where we will be doing medical clinics and also building a home for a family of 10!
This family has saved the money for the land but have no funds to build a home on that land other than a wooden "shanty". They have a nice little business going but barely make ends meet let alone build a home. So....we are looking to build a simple block home on the property.
The cost of building this block home...$4000! We are also looking to build a home for a young couple up in the mountains in NE Guatemala in a small village called Senahu. As you can see in the picture this young family lives in a tin "shanty".
I visited this dwelling last February. Let's just say...they could use a new home with no dirt pin holes in roof...and with running water. The cost of building this home is also $4000!So here we are....we need $8000US to build both homes. Whether we have a team working on building or need to know that we employ local labour...that is very important to us at PI.Imagine how impacting these two homes will be.

You can folow the progress of this storey as well as the Haiti trip over on .. If you would like to help sponsor one of these homes let me know and e can give you more information...
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