Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Sergey and Anya are coming to Canada

I just got word that Sergey and Anya got their visa's to come to Canada. It is always exciting when our friends from Central Asia are able to come for a visit. It gives those that have been supporting them an opportunity to meat them face to face, and It gives them a chance to see that the support does not just come from the few that go over, but that there is a huge network of people behind the teams. So that's their visa's to come here now we just need to hear that our visa's have come through to go there. I will be heading over to another Central Asian country in a couple of months. While there we will be doing some repairs to a baby orphanage and hopefully visiting some of the projects we have worked on in the past. before heading home, I will be taking a small joint over to Central Asia to take care of a little bit of business in preparation for our family trip in Feb.

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