Hello from Central Asia ,Gods love is alive and well projects are progressing well
The buzz around here in the village that the Christians are here and changing peoples
Lives. I never realized the impact of some good works and love. The love of God
Spreads through keep us in prayer for protection and encouragement and thanks for all The support EDWARD L
Hi I am Acel .I just thank God that I`m here with this team. Especially I thank God
That I can serve Him by helping the poor people in Central Asia.I`m sorry for my poor English.Thank you for every thing what we are having here.Thank you for relationship,for friendship.
Greetings friends! This is Paula. We are watching God work miracles here. Thank you for your prayers. It is encouraging knowing that many of you are praying and fasting for us and for the work that God is doing here in extending His kingdom. In my personal devotions today God gave me these verses… Isaiah 42… I am the Lord, I have called you in righteousness, I will also hold you by the hand and watch over you, and I will appoint you as a covenant to the people, as a light to the nations, to open blind eyes, to bring out prisoners from the dungeon and those who dwell in darkness from the prison… These verses hold a different meaning for me today. We have been cleaning and painting 2 apartments. In one lives a man who has lost a leg and partial eyesight to diabetes. In another lives a man who has just been released from prison. And our team today moved into a place called, “Lighthouse” where we will stay while we work in this, a different nation. God surely has appointed this particular team to this particular place for such a time as this. He is holding us by the hand and watching over us.
Hello, Julie here. Today I had the privilege of going to the market and tagging along as the local workers took the woman from one of the apartments and her granddaughter shopping. It was a sight. First of all the woman, Natasha, could not believe that this was happening. So she started by saying shyly that her granddaughter, Katya, needed some new shoes. The ones she had on were well worn and three sizes too big. After a while she started to believe it and when we left her family of six had a few things each. Natasha had traditional rubber boot shoe things so we insisted that she choose some new ones. This was the first pair of real shoes she has had in thirty years. I got to buy her a beautiful pashmina scarf. Love to all.
Hello, it is Vlady I am working with this team as driver I am very pleased God that He give this possibility to find out these beautiful people who came from far away to show their love and brought His Heavenly Love to those people who doesn’t know Jesus Cross.
It is wonderful time when people to tie in one bunch and follow in one direction according God direction their can say any mount throw yourselves in the sea and it will be done because God living in their hearts. Let God of Heaven bless everyone throough His Son Jesus Christ. Blessing everybody. Love. Vlady.
Pastor Ron here. Great to be back in Central Asia with the team. They were thrilled to see Nargiza again and also it is always beneficial to have another interpreter. The team moral is high and our new accommodations seem great. They have risen to the occasion for sure! Tomorrow we will be ministering at the church and we come bearing crayola gifts! It will be a wonderful day to be a kid at church for certain. Finally I never forget that the team members in Central Asia are only part of the whole team. Those in Canada who make this possible will surely be rewarded in that day.
John here now. I have not written in a few days. The projects here were a bit more than any team should have to face, but the team bit the bullet and dug right in It was amazing to see the transformations of these homes. We took the lady from one of the projects to the market to purchase clothes for her family. She is in such shock that she cannot understand what is happening, she is still a little afraid that we are up to something. She was not going to leave the house until we made a deal with her to pay her hydro bill. It is five years behind and has been cut off and illegally reconnected several times. The family hides in the house and does not answer the door, and before she goes out she would peek out the window, then run when no one is looking. The total cost to cover all bills and all fines, and reconnection fees was $250 . Can you imagine her relief.
Hello from Robin, I tried to type that in Russian, but I had better stick with english. Our God is an awesome God, and we are constantly reminded of his wisdom and power beyond our comprehension. The work here seemed overwhelming to begin with, but the team has worked so well together that we may actually be able to put the house back together, before leaving! I look forward to the beginning of the week and all that God has in store for us. Thank you for your prayers and support at home.
Blessings to all!