Wednesday, August 04, 2021

A better tasting muffin

I sat at the breakfast table,with my coffee, a banana, and tried to decide which kind of muffin I would like.  Then decided"what the heck , I will have both."  That's when I got an email request from Vlad asking if they can please send out another 100 food hampers .  I the fourth wave, many are just too sick to be out working , nor should they ... 

 My first reaction was that we just don't have the funds for that right now and we are behind on the tuition fund .. then I took another bite of my muffin and felt the conviction .... 

This week we will begin another round of food hampers ..along with produce from the garden and honey from our bees , we need another $1000 for staple supplies .. please consider helping us with this .. I guarantee that your next muffin will taste better if you do. 

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