It is that time of year again, the snow is a little lower on the mountains every day. Typically between the farm and families we help out we give out between 50 and 100 tons of coal and 8 to 10 tons of fire wood for starting fires. We also set up depots around the valley where we can give out coal from in emergency cases through out the winter. The last couple years we have had great support from a small church in Norwood Ontario . They have a program called Givetober. The church identifies areas that they want to support and for the month they raise funds to help out. It is our hope to cover about 50% of our coal expenses from this one campaign. If you would like to help us as well, I am sure that many families would be very appreciative. Below is a video that was played in church this morning to shine some light onto this need.
I know that I am supposed to take it easy, so I will do my best. fortunately we have some good strong hard working boys on the farm as well as a team coming from Nashville. We will land in Kyrgyzstan on the 9th, by that time the 50 tons of coal we have spoken for will start to arrive.
Olga was hard at it for Seniors day this year. She told me that they were all so happy and blessed that she came that many of them just started to cry. It was such a blessing for them . Thank you to everyone that had a party in this. Below are just a few of the pictures from the day.

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