Sunday, July 05, 2015

famous last words .." I know a short cut "

I was asked to do one of my watermelon carvings for a birthday party for two wonderful aunts of Julie's who are both 85.  

I think they were likely thinking more like a swan .hahaha 

the raspberries are ripening up now .. It will be nice to have some raspberries and strawberries in the next food shares, but I would imagine most will be eaten right off the stock .. I am good with that , When I think of where these kids would have been right now, I am just so blessed that a this is their life now.  A couple days ago, the kids got their first pay.  tomorrow morning, Jengish and Emma will be bringing the kids to the bank to help them all get bank accounts.  what a big step that will be for them.  

Two days ago was the harvest and already there are so many cucumbers that they have had to do a mid week harvest.  the tarp in the picture is about 4'x8' so that gives you an idea of the volume .. in just 2 days 

On the way home they took a drive out to the field to check up on the barley.  Goosey just loves to go on these adventures, especially when they take time to stop and smell the flowers.  

I would say that it is almost time to book the combine .. looking great . 

Jengish said that Goosey thought that they should take a short cut, and then told him off when they got stuck.    

Sunday is animal bazaar day, and as any good farmer does, they look around to see what deals can be had.  I like to go around and get the deals , then try to sell them during the day, and then just bring them back to the farm if they don't sell.  Th last time out I got a great deal on a giney hen.  I don't think many people had seen them before.  I brought it over to Asylbek and told him to bring it back home to the farm with him if it did not sell at a nice profit ..I was some what disappointed  that it sold, but did make enough extra money to pay for a taxi and a coffee for Acylbeks' return to the farm that night. 
 Today it was a few more ducks for the farm. 

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