Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Life from a different perspective.

Can you imagine being happy about school ..I sure can't. but these kids are. With new books, and help with their studies, there is a new excited.   

Maybe they are just happy to have Emma and her friends spend time with them, and if its education that is the excuse, so be it .. but what ever reason. these kids sure are happy now.   

I was just sorting out some old pictures, and came across this Video I was looking for the pictures that are here in the 5 sec. to 10 sec mark .. I wanted to show the option of where many end up living with out help . These are the conditions that Jenish sees every day , and why he is asking for help    Looking after these needs i never a popular one.. at the 5 second mark you will see the typical response.. toss them a little bit of bread every now and then,  but to make a real impact in their lives, we need to do more.. we need to get down into the dirty with them .. If you look at the picture at about 7 seconds in .. you can`t take a picture like that , from that perspective unless we get down into the whole with them ... thats were we see life from a different perspective .. Jenish has been there .. he knows first hand what the solution is .. but what does he do with that ?  he can't do it alone   he needs your help.     I can guarantee if you spent a day with Jenish, you would see the world a little different.     Please consider how you can help, and remember the top donor of the week will get one of Aigula`s blankets 

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