Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Another trip to the dentist

Yesterday we left the house early for a long day...

Our first stop was to visit the director of the hospital / orphanage that our young friend had been moved to .. we wanted to make sure that they knew that there were people monitoring his care... he was a lot better today... not so sedated...

Next stop was to the orphanage to see our your friend Amir.. as well as to set up English classes there for he and his friends... we do not want to single him out in the group so we have 5 other kids that will be in his class... it turns out that the directors daughter would like to come to one of Emma's classes as well... Emma will also do an art Class there as well.
She has her first class this Friday at 2:30... While there we incuired about a young girl that the director had called about... She is turning 16 and will be moving off to school soon, and she has some serious teeth problems and the director wanted to get her helped before she is out of the system... this may be her last opportunity.. So we brought her with us for the day, and tried to make a fun day of it for her... she had her first visit to the dentist, and had x-rays, and will begin the procedures on Monday... what ever that may be... but she is so happy... our next stop was to a restaurant... A first for her.. she had never eaten in one before.. in fact she had only ever been to the city twice in her life... at times she was a little overwhelmed as we traveled around running arronds.. into the bazaars and shops... but it sure was exciting for her..
We then met up with the team from LAMb to order bunk beds for a home make over they are working on... it just seemed so natural.. standing on the side of a road on the edge of a crowded market , talking to SOME MAN... that's right, ... we found "THE MAN" and making arrangements to have bunk beds made ... noticing that this might not be the most normal thing, asked them if this is what they would expect when buying furnature.. they laughed and said that in one day they have come to realize that nothing will be what they would expect is normal here...hahaha.... yet in all it's appeared confusion... some how it all comes together , and many times with better results then I have come to expect in Canada ... Just don't ask how !

1 comment:

Carrie DeLille said...

Thank you!!