I was just reading this news release and thought I should share it here as I believe it would be a fantastic resource for so many of our readers... as well I have a little bias... I will explain... ....
Experts talk about adopting traumatized children from Haiti and beyond
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Colorado Springs, CO) -- In recent days, the horrific scenes of the devastation Haiti have captured the focus of news organizations all around the world. Our minds struggle to grasp the reality of catastrophic numbers of dead and injured. And now, another reality surfaces to the top, a reality that pierces the heart. A country already overwhelmed to care for over 380,000 orphans now faces the insurmountable task of caring for even more children orphaned by the earthquake.
The cry of the heart of these orphans comes from deep trauma and suffering. Not just from the earthquake, but from abandonment, poverty, exploitation, sexual abuse, and worse.
Thankfully, people across America been challenged by the cry of Haiti's orphans. People are responding to this unprecedented need in record numbers. Yet, how can parents prepare to receive these traumatized orphans and others into their families and hearts? If they're not careful, they can enter into adopting with high expectations for their child and for themselves, only to be broadsided by shattered assumptions.
There's a brand-new tool to help adoptive parents, Wounded Children, Healing Homes: How Traumatized Children Impact Adoptive and Foster Families (NavPress, January 29, 2010). Award-winning authors Jayne E. Schooler, Betsy Keefer Smalley and Dr. Timothy J. Callahan, each have more than twenty years experience in the adoption field.
Experts talk about adopting traumatized children from Haiti and beyond
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Colorado Springs, CO) -- In recent days, the horrific scenes of the devastation Haiti have captured the focus of news organizations all around the world. Our minds struggle to grasp the reality of catastrophic numbers of dead and injured. And now, another reality surfaces to the top, a reality that pierces the heart. A country already overwhelmed to care for over 380,000 orphans now faces the insurmountable task of caring for even more children orphaned by the earthquake.
The cry of the heart of these orphans comes from deep trauma and suffering. Not just from the earthquake, but from abandonment, poverty, exploitation, sexual abuse, and worse.
Thankfully, people across America been challenged by the cry of Haiti's orphans. People are responding to this unprecedented need in record numbers. Yet, how can parents prepare to receive these traumatized orphans and others into their families and hearts? If they're not careful, they can enter into adopting with high expectations for their child and for themselves, only to be broadsided by shattered assumptions.

So why am I sharing this ? It was almost two years ago that we were in Central Asia for an extended stay... over and over we found ourselves stumbling into situations that were so far beyond our expertise... we knew that we were to be there, we knew that we were making a definite impact to those around us, but our hearts ached because we wanted so much more for those we were helping... something we just could not offer... We had love, and while love can heal so much and can go so far, there are just some thinks that require more... I can still remember the afternoon Julie and I were almost in tears... well OK maybe we were in tears... but we knew that to truly help, there needed to be entire change in the way things were being done... by us , by the government and by the orphanages directors as well... but how can WE bring about such a change... A few hours later, we were siting having supper with David and Jayne... We had no idea the impact this dinner would make in our own Lives... Our friends Lynn and Ruby had called us and said that they had friends that had just come to town, and could we please meet with them and help them to get settled.... little did we know that they would become such a blessing to us and the kids that we are all trying to help..... The expertise and the skills that they bring to the region are mind boggling... for us it was the most incredible thing... from that point on, when we come across any situations that are beyond our expertise, we simply turn it over to them and they take it to the next level... As well when ever we have fun event's , outings, or even new situations we are not certain about, they come along.... We always say that our job is to search in the dark corners of society looking for those that have fallen through the cracks.... Some times to fulfill a simple dream is just not good enough.. we need to look at long term solutions, and an important part of that solution is to deal with matters of the heart.... and that is when we turn to David and Jayne.....
I think we may have had an impact on them as well... this book has a special dedication .....
To the beautiful children we know and love living in an orphanage in Kyrgyzstan:
Victor, Dima, Maksat, Slavic, Anya, Aibek, Nastya, Angelina, Sasha, Vanya,Eelia, Colya, Nazik, Argen, Meesha, Aziz, Kumushai, Aisuluu, Alymbek,Kenat, and to our missions team, who loves them, too — two incredible Canadian families — Lynn and Ruby Johnston and John, Julie, Emma, and Bekah Wright.
You are precious in God’s sight.
Victor, Dima, Maksat, Slavic, Anya, Aibek, Nastya, Angelina, Sasha, Vanya,Eelia, Colya, Nazik, Argen, Meesha, Aziz, Kumushai, Aisuluu, Alymbek,Kenat, and to our missions team, who loves them, too — two incredible Canadian families — Lynn and Ruby Johnston and John, Julie, Emma, and Bekah Wright.
You are precious in God’s sight.
These kids that she is talking about here are the little ones from the orphanage that had to close over Christmas... they have been relocated to another orphanage about 1 1/2 hours away... Sergey and Anya were out there a few weeks ago with the Christmas parties ... PI has been working with David and Jayne to get the kids English teacher set up to start traveling out to the kids to teach English... it was felt that it is important during the transition to keep the same teacher if at all possible... the kids need some stability ....
Here is the report that Jayne just received from the teacher.....
Hi I hope that everything is good.Yesterday I went to the orphanage Everything is fine. When children saw me they bigan cry,and I also too. Victor asked me stay with them.There were 20 kids,other at home on Sunday.I divided them on 2 groups(first group 1st-5th forms,and others are in second group).I studied with each group about 1 hour,and we also talked about 20 minutes.I also went with them to the dining room we had dinner.
thank you very much for this chance to see them!!!!!Next time Natasha wants go with me. All kids very wait you and we are too.Miss you very much,and come back as soon as you can!:)
This just reinforces to me the need for us to spend a few days with these kids when we go back next month.... thank you to every one that supports us so that we can make a difference, and so we can make a change.... If you would like to help us bring a little joy to these precious kids, you can use the donate button on the top right side of this blog...
and thank you to David and Jayne for allowing us to be your friends ...
For more information or to order Jayne's book contact.
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