Sunday, February 14, 2010

Great Opertunity

Here is a great opportunity of anyone in ,or traveling to the Orlando area this winter.

Many of you will know my friend Jengish from Central Asia. He is an incredible young man..with a true heart for the people of his home land... Although his main focus is on the Rehab centre and those living on the streets, his willingness to lend a hand has him in every corner of society...
Jengish is taking training for dealing with people with substance abuse and rehabilitation in Orlando for the next few months... Jengish would love to get out of the centre for a bit and experience a little of what Florida has to offer... It would be a great opportunity for you to learn a little more about the Kyrgyz culture, and just have a really fun time... If you would like to meet up with him, Let me know and I will forward your contact info on to him.


Mala said...

ugh! I was just there last week! I would have loved to meet him.

Anonymous said...

John- Hilary just brought this post to my attention. I live just outside of Orlando, and would love to host him a bit while he is here! I'll email you my contact info...Jamie