Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The honey is flowing .

Vitamins are such an important part of developement ,  especialy in Kyrgyzstan where there is a predisposition to rickets .  Fortunatly we have some sponsors that suport us with providing these vitamins.  We also have a good source of vitamins in Kyrgyzstan so we can now purchase there spacific to our needs .  One of our team is a registered doula, so that puts her on the front line when it comes to baby care .  We are able to help before there is any medical condition.   

At The farm we have a few days between guests so its a good time to get the cement pad poured for the yurt.  If you look closely you can see the frame under the cover by the gift shop.  It will be going up in the orchard behind the guest house.  Once the frame is up, we will have the yurt builders come and take measurements for the size of the new cover .  then they will come back and instal it . 

 We just got our second draw of honey from the mountain Gojji berry hives.  Last year was a terrible year for honey , then in the winter there was a huge die off .. in fact we lost all 30 hives on the farm, and about half our hives in the mountain... Well this year has turned around.  the new hives on the farm have established well and the mountain hives are back to full capasity ... in fact this year we have an over 900% increese over last year .  So to those who have been missing the honey, we hope to be able to bring back lots with us this year.  

Down on the farm as I was saying, the bees are doing well,  and we have just started to draw the honey from them.  Now when you conside that average hive has 50 000 bees, that means that there are about 1 500 000 bees.   

As they were about to start, I was chating with them about where the antihistamin tablets and Benadril was .. but we also prayed that God would keep them safe.   Then as you can see, they  covered up well  .. NOT...  and proceeded . 


Mom was helping me to pack up the knapsacks and some tee shirts, and we are shipping them today to the team coming from Possibilities International.  They will be arriving just in time to host the party in the park.  

Since reaching our target for back to school supplies ysterday, I have had a couple people contact me to see if they are too late to help.  Well the quick answer is No.. We do have several others , including 3 small orphanages that could use help with back to school.  I even had a message from Aiperi this morning .  She works with Afgan refugies in Pakistan , and has asked if we would be able to help with school suplies again this year for kids in the camp.   so Yes we will continue to recieve back to school donations. 

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