Sunday, July 21, 2024

167 down and 533 to go

Schooling is free, but if you do not have your own school suplies you are not able to go to school .  For years now we have been helping with basic school supplies for kids . 

We have even found kids in the local dump trying to find anything they can sell to be able to get suplies they need to go to school 

This  year we have 700 kids that we are going to be giving school suplies to.  This is more then just the suplies for the kids , it is part of our on going efforts to build relationships with the comunity. Over the last year we have delivered seads , coal , food , and even helped repair the playground and  to restore the town water supply .   People are beginning to develope a trust and an appreciation for what we are doing .   
The cost of the school supplies , including  back packs  for them to go in is just $10 a child .  we will have a great celebration in the park when we give them out .  The celebration will be sponsored by one of the teams we have coming in the end of August . 

At this point we have 167 kids sponsored and 533 to go.  Because of the time it takes to get funds through the banks and transfered to Kyrgyzstan , as well as the work it will take to prepare all the bags, we are hoping to have the funds donated by July 31st 

We have seen some creative ways of meeting this target.  We have someone who has started an on line auction , another has contacted all her friends and asked to join her in a group donation.  Close to my home in Canada we have a VBS program that will be collecting funds for this as well , and makig it fun for the kids .  What ever you can come up with would be a blessing .. or you can be like some others and just see the need and send suport.  However it happens, we would really appreciate your help. 


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